Just because you're lucky your network is up and running each day with no major issues, doesn’t mean you’re not at risk. Anything can happen to a network – services failing, servers crashing, high bandwidth utilization, security threats, and more.
Depending on the network issue, your operations could be halted, or even severely limited for days, possibly weeks. The ultimate goal of any network is availability, performance, and continuous uptime. The solution to protecting your network involves monitoring, maintenance, and updates.
Having an antivirus installed is not going to be enough. In-house monitoring can be expensive and because of that expense, it is overlooked. The value of outsourced monitoring can impact your business in several ways:
- Improve hardware efficiency
- Early detection and prevention of incidents
- Cost savings
- Reduce loss of revenue
Protection and security may seem excessive, until it’s not enough. So don’t count on luck that your network will remain healthy and in tip-top shape because as Bret Harte said “The only sure thing about luck is that it will change.”