The process of incorporating a new service or solution, also known as ‘onboarding’, into the existing environment of an organization is often a headache. The worst aspect of it all may be the negative impact to a company’s productivity during the onboarding of a new solution. Communicating with multiple vendors to make sure all the pieces of the puzzle fit together and can talk to each other is just a small taste of that process. Sometimes the hardware from each vendor still won’t properly communicate and will require a workaround. That’s why CHR does all that work for you.

Our NOC Monitoring Service has a quick and painless onboarding process. With only six steps, the average time between the initial meeting and going live is 2 months. Our process is tried and true, with over a decade of practice. Below is a high-level summary of our onboarding process:

1. Initial Meeting

Our team of experts will meet with yours to learn your goals, establish a timeline, gather data on your inventory, and answer any question you may have.

2. Provisioning

Once our team has all the necessary data, we will create an account for your business within our solution with parameters unique to your company’s needs.

3. Scenario Building

Through a series of meetings, we will determine scenarios that are likely to occur within your specific environment and create a customized series of responses for each one.

4. Runbook

We then compile all of the scenarios and responses into a single runbook. This runbook will be scrutinized to assure all data points are correct.

5. Testing

Our team will strenuously test your tailor-fit runbook. Through this process, we will ensure that the right individuals are alerted in each scenario and that our technicians are prepared to mitigate any issues that would coincide with each alert.

6. Go Live

After the runbook is extensively tested and proven to work as intended, the service is ready to go live. At this point all you have to do is rest easy, knowing your network has a team of watchful eyes that are ready to intervene at a moment’s notice.

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